Steps to prevent COVID-19 virus

Steps to prevent COVID-19 virus

Proper hygiene should always be maintained, especially during the ongoing crisis and the spread of COVID-19 (Corona Virus). One of the most effective and recommended ways to avoid COVID-19 is to wash your hands and avoid touching your face, but what about your phone?

Washing your hands

Health Canada and the Centre for Disease Control say the best way to prevent contracting the notorious COVID-19 is to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. 

Cleaning your smartphone

Everything you come into contact with ends up on your phone, including your tablets, laptops, wearable tech, glasses, goggles, and many other devices you use throughout the day. 

The world is a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. According to Seattle Times journalist Bobby Caina Calvan, "Your phone is covered in germs: 25,127 bacteria per square inch", which makes it at least ten times dirtier than a toilet seat. Many people think heavy-duty industrial-grade cleaners are necessary to keep their devices clean. The reality is many of these cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can strip your screen of its oleophobic and proprietary coatings. 

Before you attempt to clean your phone, remember to remove your smartphone from your case to ensure the entire device gets cleaned. Using a trusted, non-toxic, all-natural screen cleaner like WHOOSH! (The Apple store's screen cleaner of choice!), spray your microfiber cloth and wipe, then reverse the microfiber cloth to a dry portion to polish your screen.

A common question among consumers who are looking to keep their phones clean is how often they should clean it. Your smartphone is an extension of you, almost like a third hand. You should probably clean your phone just as often as you brush your teeth and you wash your hands.